water extraction boerne

For a liquid that's universally regarded as life-giving, water can cause an astounding amount of damage to a person's home when left unchecked. A single burst pipe or a similar leak can spell very bad news for your possessions and even the integrity of the structure itself. 

Licensed, insured and bonded for your peace of mind...

The damage caused by flooding is so multi-layered that it's frequently underestimated by home owners who only learn the full extent of its devastation much later than they'd like.

Sure enough, a flood will destroy any appliances that the water overwhelms and will ruin most objects containing paper, cardboard or a similar material with a high degree of vulnerability to water. But did you know that moist wooden surfaces can rot when exposed to too much moisture, suffering irreparable damage as a result? And what about mold, the massive-yet-silent threat to everyone's home? These are just some of the issues that can arise when even a smaller flood isn't treated properly.

If you're experiencing any amount of flooding in any part of your home, don't try and deal with the fallout on your own – let us help you restore your home back to normal instead. Our cleaning services are available round-the-clock so that our customers never have to wait to deal with a flood – when it comes to water damage, every minute is precious and we'll treat them as such.

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Upon arrival, our first order of business will be to assess the cleanliness of the water. There are three main levels of water pollution, and each of them needs to be dealt with accordingly. While clean water can 'merely' be extracted on our way to deal with the aftermath, dirty and bacteria-infested water isn't as easy to take care of due to the added number of potential issues. Poorly-handled extraction of unclean water could cause sickness for you and your family for a long time to come without you ever knowing the cause.

water extraction flooding

After we've determined the type of water we're dealing with and the extent of the flooding, we'll use our powerful extraction machinery to safely remove every last drop, either pouring the water into the sewer or storing it in a safe container until a later time. But the absence of visible moisture still doesn't mean our job is done – we'll have to use our industrial dehumidifiers to remove the remaining moisture from the air as well as any affected surfaces. This will ensure that no mold forms anywhere in your home as a result of the flooding – once a surface becomes moldy, cleaning it becomes notoriously difficult and a replacement is oftentimes the only viable option.

While a good start, removing all of the moisture is far from enough work for us to call it a day. Once we've rendered your home dry, we'll move onto helping you assess the extent of the water damage and the expenses you might suffer from it as you work towards getting your life back on track. Since we consider each and every one of our clients as a member of our extended family, we'd hate the idea of leaving their side during a time that's difficult both financially and emotionally – we'll stick with you and provide help for as long as it takes you to put the flooding incident behind.

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