rug cleaning

For best results, professional carpet cleaning should be combined with regular carpet maintenance by the owner. Despite our knowledge and experience, we can only do so much for a carpet or rug whose owner never bothered to clean it.

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Before making any cleaning effort, make sure you know your carpets and rugs inside and out. Some carpets are so tough that even the most aggressive and careless cleaning methods will simply render them cleaner without causing any damage whatsoever – others will quickly fold under pressure (both figuratively and literally), losing colors, texture and size after a single cleaning session.

Knowing your carpet's age, origin, weaving technique and the materials used is half the battle – if you can find out exactly what dyes were used and how they were applied, even better. As a general rule, the more expensive a carpet, the more care you'll have to exercise when cleaning – cheaper carpets are manufactured in an industrial setting with inexpensive yet durable materials that can seemingly withstand anything.

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Next up, you'll have to know what cleaning mixture to use to get the results you want. While heavy chemicals will get the job done, they'll also threaten to ruin the fabrics of even the most resilient carpet or rug. Instead, try to opt for a cleaning solution with many natural ingredients and as little synthetic ones as possible – don't worry about effectiveness, as these have been perfected to deliver almost as big of a cleaning punch as their industrial brethren.

When talking method, hand cleaning is always the superior choice over using a machine or even a mop – you'll have a lot more control over the entire process and will be able to adjust as needed. Aim to clean every area rug by hand using a gentle yet hard-enough sponge to scrub the carpet – you'll probably have to make a compromise for wall-to-wall carpets, although you should still use a sponge for the more difficult parts.

While effective, fully submerging a carpet in water isn't always the best choice. It all depends on where you're submerging it – the water will get dirty soon after the first dip and leaving the rug in there longer than necessary is counterproductive. If you're dipping somewhere you can replace dirty water with clean several times over in a short period of time (a bathtub with a powerful water heater, for example), submerging an area rug will guarantee riddance of every last unwanted particle, although you'll still have to round the effort up with some mild scrubbing.

Pay attention to the drying process as well – while some carpets will benefit from a quick wringe, others will suffer from it. Drying a carpet or rug out in the sun is great, but it can also cause discoloration with certain fabrics – if your carpet's dyes are susceptible to sunlight, you'll have to resort to wringing and hanging it in a dark and ventilated environment.

Speaking of ventilation, make sure to avoid leaving your wet carpet in a place where it can get moldy – mold can cause permanent damage to the carpet's fabrics on top of posing significant health risks for you and others.

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