Area rugs are among the most beautiful additions that a home can have. Outfitting your floor with a wall-to-wall rug can be difficult – moving furniture and appliances alone can be a big chore, to speak nothing of the added cleaning difficulties that come with regular maintenance of large carpets.
Oh, and there's also the possibility of your beloved carpet suffering furniture indentations as you had no choice but to place hundred-pound objects on it. With area rugs, most of these concerns are eliminated and you're able to focus on having the most attractive interior possible. That being said, cleaning many of the most popular types of area rugs is no walk in the park and improper cleaning can result in the fabric becoming rougher, discolored, shrunk or suffering a similar form of damage.
Furthermore, owners of area rugs will sometimes underestimate the need to clean them, especially if the rugs are far out and don't receive a lot of traffic. Most rug owners believe that the only real threats to a carpet's cleanliness come from walking over it or spilling something – in reality, there are many other ways for an area rug to become dirty, even in the case of truly small pieces. How about your pet using the rug as a towel after a mud excursion? Other than such incidents, there's also the gradual accumulation of dust, debris, mold and even carpet beetles that occurs whenever a rug isn't being maintained.
Since many area rugs are notably smaller than their wall-to-wall counterparts, we're able to employ cleaning methods that might otherwise seem impractical. Extreme cases will sometimes have us fully submerge the area rug in water to get the best results – this simply wouldn't be an option with larger carpets that are sometimes best left where they are while we clean. Other than the washing itself, drying – a delicate and oft-overlooked process – will be much easier and faster. That being said, we never take any cleaning job lightly and area rugs are no exception to this.
Our time-proven method will still be applied step by step – we won't rush anything just because we're dealing with a smaller carpet, as we'd hate to even think about damaging one or more of your prized possessions. In fact, due to their smaller size, many area rugs feature highly-complex patterns and an astounding number of colors to them – a rushed cleaning job could permanently rob an area rug of its intricacies.
As already mentioned, don't make the mistake of thinking that your area rug doesn't need cleaning because it's smaller, receives less traffic or spends time in a secluded corner. You'd be surprised by the amount of issues that can plague a carpet whose surface seems as pristine as ever – having Boerne Carpet Cleaning Pros come over every once in a while to assess the state of your area rugs is the only way to ensure that they're as clean as they look. Call us and enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that your surfaces are safe – you'll no longer have to worry about a small area rug causing big health problems for you and others living under your roof.
Boerne Carpet Cleaning Pros
Boerne, TX 78006
Hours: Mon-Sat: 9am - 6:30pm
Sunday: 10am - 3pm