While you might be able to clean your carpets and rugs with a good degree of efficiency, upholstery is another story. The thickness and density of the fabric means that even the most zealous cleaning effort will only yield limited results – not only that, but you might also end up causing damage over good intentions.
Still, this is no reason to avoid regular upholstery maintenance and there are certainly steps you can take to make our job easier when we do come around. More than any other cleaning method, upholstery benefits most from regular vacuuming – it's a shame, then, that so many home owners will often vacuum the carpets while completely ignoring the upholstery. When vacuuming, use multiple finishes on your vacuum cleaner so that it can reach all those tight corners and difficult spots. Your upholstery vacuuming should be slow and methodical – pay attention to every inch of the surface instead of zig-zagging the tube and hoping for the best. Be prepared to vacuum for what could be hours if you're dealing with multiple pieces of furniture on which people and pets frequently spend their time.
If you're looking to clean using moisture, you'll have to exercise vigilance – the cloth or sponge you use shouldn't leak a single drop of water even when squeezed hard. Soaking your cleaning cloth is a good way to guarantee that moisture will get stuck inside the inner layers of the fabric, leaving you with no way of drying it out – from there on, it's only a matter of time until the inside of your upholstery gets moldy, causing a repulsive smell as well as health problems. While we're able to remove mold from an upholstery innards, we'd prefer it if our clients never exposed themselves to this dangerous type of fungal growth.
Keep in mind that every upholstery cleaning effort you do will only take care of surface issues – as mentioned, trying to use a drenched sponge while cleaning won't do much aside from causing mold. The inner layers of upholstery can only be cleaned with machinery that's out of reach for the average home owner, which is why we stress the importance of professional cleaning care on a semi-regular basis.
While most materials that upholstery is made from react to cleaning in a similar way, leather deserves its own mention. Vacuuming leather upholstery is perhaps more important than any other kind, and failure to do so often will cause scratches and dents on the material's delicate surface. It's our opinion that the nature of this material coupled with its high price means that cleaning should only be done by professionals who have a good deal of experience working with leather.
For reasons mentioned above, you won't really have a way of dealing with pet odor and persistent stains that have made their way past the upholstery's surface. DIY upholstery cleaning only serves to remove dust, debris and surface filth – once liquid has made its way to the inside, things are out of your hands. Don't worry – if your cherished upholstery reeks of pet odor or sports some nasty stains, we'll be happy to clean it for you inside and out without leaving any moisture behind.
Boerne Carpet Cleaning Pros
Boerne, TX 78006
Hours: Mon-Sat: 9am - 6:30pm
Sunday: 10am - 3pm