carpet stain spot removal

While you might be able to clean your carpets and rugs with a good degree of efficiency, upholstery is another story. The thickness and density of the fabric means that even the most zealous cleaning effort will only yield limited results – not only that, but you might also end up causing damage over good intentions.

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Generally, all this will do is threaten the integrity of the fabric without really doing all that much to address the spot. If you're looking to do away with a mean stain that's making your life difficult, you'll have to know exactly what caused it and familiarize yourself with the affected fabrics. Some stains, like those caused by certain types of fruit juice, can be removed fairly easily with nearly any method. Others brought about by things like oil or wine will be much harder to eliminate and might require professional assistance if you ever hope of having your fabric back in its original state.

Natural materials are more vulnerable to commercial cleaning agents, so you'll want to avoid using those if you're attacking a spot on a wool carpet or one that was colored using natural dyes. Commercial cleaners are effective, but they'll quickly bleach a gentler fabric and can cause an even bigger mess than the stain you're trying to subdue.

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When dealing with natural fibers, try to soak the spot in a mixture of vinegar or water – mix one or two tablespoons in a single glass of water for best results. If you're willing to test your fabric further, you can pour vinegar directly onto the surface – while much more effective, not all dyes will react to this treatment equally well. Also, make sure you have a way of removing the vinegar as it can cause quite a stench – be careful of pouring too much of it on upholstery.

Other natural remedies include milk as well as lemon juice, be it through pouring or actually leaving a lemon slice on the stain. Of course, you'll have to be very mindful of the surrounding fabric and its dyes as these fluids can cause their own kind of discoloration, especially considering you'll leave them on the spot anywhere between 10-30 minutes.

It's also worth noting that the Sun's rays have a bleaching effect to them, which is why washing and leaving out to dry is a preferred method of spot removal by many. Unfortunately, like the fluids listed above, the rays can bleach the surrounding area and even the entire carpet as well – if you're considering leaving your stained carpet out in the sun, make sure to consult the manufacturer regarding the effect that its rays could have on the color.

Last but not least, never scrub the stain as a response to a spill nor after applying a stain remover. Scrubbing will spread the aggravator to other parts of the carpet – instead, blot with a clean and gentle cloth as your go-to method of removing moisture before leaving the carpet to dry.

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